Vacate Cleaning Guide: Getting the Most Out of Your Cleaning

Vacation is a great time to relax and get away from the daily grind, which means that cleaning your home can fall by the wayside. The last thing you want to see when you return from vacation is piles of dirty dishes in your sink or an overflowing trashcan. But don’t worry! In this article, we’ll show you how to prepare for a long-term stay away from home by making sure everything’s spotless before you leave as well as after you come back.

Don’t forget to clean around your home.

The next step is to make sure you’re vacate cleaning in Melbourne around your home. This includes:

  • Cleaning the floor, walls, and ceiling.
  • Cleaning windows and doors (including screens).
  • Cleaning kitchen cabinets and appliances.

You should also consider cleaning the garage or basement if you have one–this can be a big job but will be worth it when you’re ready to put your home up for sale!

Vacate Cleaning Guide

Stop cleaning piles of dishes, and start using the dishwasher.

If you’re still using the dishwasher as a place to store dirty plates, it’s time to reconsider your approach. Dishwashers are great for washing dishes and pots, but they can be even better if you use them properly. Here are some tips:

  • Load the dishwasher properly! Start by making sure that all of your dishes are clean (or at least rinsed). It’s also important that everything fits inside the machine–if there’s too much space between items, they won’t get cleaned properly. If anything doesn’t fit well in the rack, put it on top where it will be exposed to more water during the cycle. Finally, make sure all of your glasses have been washed before loading them into their designated spot on top shelf so they don’t break when spinning around at high speeds inside the machine!
  • Use pots and pans only when necessary! Pots and pans usually require extra effort when cleaning because they often have baked-on food stuck to bottom surfaces which need scrubbing off with abrasive materials like steel wool pads before putting away after washing with soap suds solution made up out soap flakes mixed together with hot water until dissolved completely.

Get rid of any expired food or medications before you leave.

If you have expired food or medications, be sure to throw them away before you leave. You don’t want to leave food and medications in the house because they can attract pests, who will then chew through walls or break windows trying to get at it. If these pests are not able to get into your home, they will still make noise while they wait for an opening–and that’s not something anyone wants on their last night in their old place!

Plus if there are any children living nearby (especially toddlers), they might be curious about what’s happening outside and end up eating expired items from trash cans or dumpsters outside of homes with rodents inside them. This could lead those children down dangerous paths later in life so please take precautions against this possibility by removing all expired items from your kitchen cabinets before vacating.


There you have it, our best tips for vacate cleaning in Melbourne. We hope that this guide has helped you get started on your next move or cleaning spree.

Source: Vacate Cleaning Guide: Getting the Most Out of Your Cleaning